I'm going to write about clock.
The first watch created by man was a solar one, which indicated the moments of the day by folowingthe shalows of the sun. The chineese used this method about 3000 years before christ. It was also used by the egyptians and incas. These watches had de desadvantage of not being accuarate at dawn, overcasted days and night. The romans marked candles as a rule to control the time at night. In Babylon, Egypt, Grece and Rome they guided themselves by water. The first motor of a clock was created with weights by Pacific in the eight century. In the decade of 1300 was posible to see these watches in cathedrals in Europe. The oldest one is kept in the cathedral of Salisbury.
In 1641 Galileo conceived the principle of the pendlum and Huygens developt the project by the construction of the first mecanical pendlum clock, amazing with rhythmical pendular movements and sweet bell ceremonies.