We are going to write about the computer. The computer was invented for John Vincent Atanassoff, from New York.
Atanassoff got the idea in 1933 and finished in 1942, he searched help in a student outstanding of the university. They started to work in the basement of the university. The machine had a finally cost of fourteen hundred dolars . The computer was called ABC (Atanassoff-Berry Computer) , it was the first electronic digital computer.

We think that the computer is very useful to work every day in the office, in the house, in the schools, in the hospitals etc... With the computer you can get information for everything you want. You can also make differents projects, in several programs. And now you can buy some others models of computers, one of this is the notebook with differents colors and sizes.
Ailén Fiasche, Ariana Capuia and Sharon Furaz